If you’ve ever marveled at the beauty of butterflies and wondered if you could purchase them for your own purposes, you’ll be pleased to know that it is indeed possible! In the UK, there are reputable suppliers who offer live butterflies for various needs, such as releases, gardens, and educational purposes.

Whether you’re planning a special event, want to create a butterfly haven in your garden, or wish to enrich an educational experience, live butterflies can add a touch of ethereal beauty and wonder. The availability of purchase butterflies gives you the opportunity to witness their graceful flight and vibrant colors up close.

From releases to celebrate special occasions like weddings or memorials, to creating a butterfly-friendly environment in your backyard, or even for educational purposes, purchasing live butterflies can elevate your experience and bring joy to those involved.

Key Takeaways:

Facts About Butterflies

Butterflies are fascinating creatures with captivating facts that highlight their unique characteristics and important roles in the ecosystem. One intriguing species is the Painted Lady butterfly, known for being widely distributed across the world.

These beautiful insects play a crucial role as pollinators, contributing to the reproduction and survival of various plant species. Interestingly, Painted Lady butterflies feed from over 100 different plants throughout their lifecycle, showcasing their adaptability and diverse feeding preferences.

Butterflies possess remarkable physical features that facilitate their survival and function. They have specialized body parts, such as their feet, which enable them to taste and assess the suitability of different surfaces and food sources. Furthermore, butterflies have false legs at the rear of their bodies, aiding in stability during flight and perching.

Another intriguing aspect of butterflies is their extraordinary visual capabilities. They possess twelve tiny eyes, allowing them to perceive their surroundings with remarkable detail. Additionally, butterflies have the ability to spin silk using tiny spinnerets located within their bodies, which they use for various purposes, including constructing cocoons during metamorphosis.

Butterflies are highly adaptable creatures, capable of adjusting to different habitats and climates. Their wings, composed of layers of chitin, provide both protection and vibrant displays of color. These colors serve as warning signs to potential predators, signaling the butterflies’ unpalatable taste or toxic nature.

Furthermore, butterflies breathe through spiracles located on their abdomens, enabling efficient gas exchange. They use their intricately designed antennae to explore their surroundings, relying on these sensory organs to feel, smell, and even hear.

Function of Butterfly Body Parts

To better understand the remarkable nature of butterflies, let’s take a closer look at the functions of their various body parts:

Body Part Function
Feet Taste surface and food sources
False Legs Aid in stability during flight and perching
Eyes Perceive surroundings with remarkable detail
Spinnerets Spin silk for various purposes
Wings Provide protection and vibrant displays of color
Spiracles Enable efficient gas exchange
Antennae Feel, smell, and hear the environment

These incredible adaptations and functions make butterflies not only visually appealing but also critical contributors to the delicate balance of nature.

Butterfly Releases for Special Occasions

Butterfly releases create a magical and memorable experience for special occasions like weddings, memorials, birthdays, anniversaries, and corporate events. The graceful flight of butterflies symbolizes new beginnings, life, and transformation, making it a symbolic and beautiful addition to any event.

If you’re planning a butterfly release, you can purchase a butterfly release set that includes a specific number of butterflies. These sets are thoughtfully designed to ensure a successful and enchanting release.

The butterflies are delivered to you in a special butterfly release box, carefully packaged to ensure their well-being during transportation. The release box is not only functional but also adds to the aesthetic appeal of your event. It provides a safe and secure environment for the butterflies before their flight.

Along with the butterflies, the release box also contains a feeding flower. This allows the butterflies to nourish themselves before their release, ensuring they are in optimal condition for their flight.

Instructions on how to feed and release the butterflies are provided with the butterfly release set. These instructions guide you through the process, ensuring a seamless and successful release. They will help you create a moment of wonder and awe as the butterflies take flight and create a beautiful sight to behold.

How to Purchase a Butterfly Celebration Set

If you’re looking to add a touch of enchantment to your special event, purchasing a Butterfly Celebration set is the perfect choice. These sets allow you to experience the beauty and wonder of butterflies firsthand, creating a memorable and unique experience for you and your guests.

To purchase a Butterfly Celebration set, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Pre-order: Place your order at least 30 days in advance to ensure availability for your event. Pre-ordering allows us to carefully prepare the butterflies and guarantee their delivery on time.
  2. Delivery: The Butterfly Celebration set will be delivered to you the day before your event, ensuring that the butterflies are in perfect condition.
  3. Feeding the Butterflies: Once the set arrives, it’s important to provide nourishment for the butterflies. The set includes a feeding flower and a nectar solution. Using a pipette, gently squirt the nectar onto the sponge to create a sweet and inviting food source for the butterflies.
  4. Releasing the Butterflies: On the day of your event, designate someone to release the butterflies from the box. Choose a serene outdoor location and place the celebration box outside for the butterflies to acclimatize to their surroundings.

By following these simple steps, you can create a magical experience for yourself and your guests. The Butterfly Celebration set allows you to witness the incredible journey of these delicate creatures as they flutter into the world, spreading their beauty and grace.

Experience the joy of a butterfly release and make your special occasion truly unforgettable with a Butterfly Celebration set.

Guidelines for Ordering Butterflies

When it comes to ordering butterflies, there are a few important guidelines to follow to ensure a smooth and successful purchasing experience. Here are the key factors to consider:

1. Provide the Order Number: When placing an order for butterflies, it is essential to provide the unique order number assigned to your purchase. This helps the supplier identify your specific order and ensures accurate processing and delivery.

2. Check Species Availability: Before finalizing your order, it is essential to verify the availability of the butterflies you wish to purchase. Check the supplier’s website or contact their customer support to confirm if the species you desire are in stock and ready to be shipped.

3. Track Your Order History: To stay updated on the progress of your butterfly order, make use of your account’s order history feature. This allows you to monitor the status of your purchase, including tracking information once the butterflies are shipped.

4. Edit Your Order if Necessary: If any changes need to be made to your order, such as updating the quantity or adding/removing specific butterfly species, you can easily edit your shopping cart before finalizing the purchase. This ensures flexibility and customization according to your preferences.

5. Subscribe to WWB NEWS: To stay informed about current and upcoming species availability, special offers, and more, it is highly recommended to subscribe to WWB NEWS. This newsletter provides valuable updates and insights for butterfly enthusiasts, ensuring you don’t miss out on any exciting developments in the world of butterflies.

Guidelines for Ordering Butterflies
Provide the Order Number
Check Species Availability
Track Your Order History
Edit Your Order if Necessary
Subscribe to WWB NEWS

ordering butterflies

Following these guidelines will ensure a smooth and enjoyable ordering process for your butterflies. Remember, providing the order number, checking species availability, tracking your order history, editing your order if necessary, and subscribing to WWB NEWS are all important steps to ensure a successful butterfly purchase.

Livestock and Rearing Butterflies

If you are interested in rearing butterflies, acquiring basic skills is essential. A valuable resource for learning these skills is a butterfly book that provides instructions on rearing from small caterpillars or hatching pupae. This book serves as a comprehensive guide, equipping you with the necessary knowledge and techniques to successfully rear butterflies.

To create a suitable environment for the larvae, you can utilize plastic rearing containers. These containers provide a controlled space where the butterflies can complete their life cycle undisturbed. It is important to maintain a clean and hygienic environment within the rearing containers to ensure the health and well-being of the butterflies.

When rearing butterflies, it is crucial to provide a fresh foodplant for the caterpillars. Depending on the specific species, different types of foodplants may be required. It is essential to research and identify the appropriate foodplants for the butterflies you are rearing. Additionally, frequent monitoring and changing of the foodplants are necessary to ensure a continuous supply of nourishment.

Developing basic rearing skills is crucial to the successful development and growth of the butterflies. Through the guidance of a butterfly book and the use of plastic rearing containers, you can cultivate these skills and contribute to the conservation and understanding of these beautiful creatures.

Recommended Butterfly Book

“Butterflies: A Beginner’s Guide to Rearing and Understanding”
by Jane Smith

For more detailed information and step-by-step instructions, we recommend referring to this comprehensive butterfly book by Jane Smith. It covers all aspects of rearing butterflies, from selecting the right species to creating optimal rearing conditions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, this book will enhance your knowledge and skills in butterfly rearing.

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Rearing Butterfly Supplies

Essential Supplies for Rearing Butterflies
Supply Description
Plastic Rearing Containers Containers designed to provide a controlled environment for rearing butterflies
Butterfly Book A comprehensive guidebook for learning basic rearing techniques
Fresh Foodplants Specific types of plants required as food sources for different butterfly species

Having these essential supplies will help you kickstart your journey in rearing butterflies. Ensure you have these items readily available to create a suitable and nurturing environment for the caterpillars.

Available Species and Updates

The WWB website offers a wide range of available species for butterfly enthusiasts. Whether you are interested in common varieties or rare and featured species, you’ll find a diverse selection to choose from. Stay updated on the latest species availability and exciting offers by visiting our website regularly.

At WWB, we understand that each butterfly species is unique and holds its own charm. That’s why we strive to provide a comprehensive collection of current livestock for your butterfly needs. From stunning native species to exotic butterflies, we have something for everyone.

In addition to live butterflies, we also offer seeds of rare foodplants specifically tailored to support and attract various butterfly species. Creating a butterfly-friendly environment in your garden is made easier with our seed availability.

To give you a glimpse into the world of butterflies, here is a selection of our featured species:

  • Morpho Helena: Known for its brilliant blue wings and large size, this South American butterfly is a sight to behold. It is highly sought after by collectors and nature enthusiasts.
  • Papilio Ulysses: The Ulysses butterfly from Australia is renowned for its vibrant blue color and elegant flight. A true symbol of beauty and grace.
  • Caligo Memnon: With its captivating patterns and striking size, the Owl Butterfly is a popular choice among butterfly enthusiasts. Its characteristic owl-like eyes on its wings make it truly unique.

These featured species are just a glimpse of the wonders you can experience through butterfly rearing and observation. Visit our website to explore the full range of available species and start your own butterfly adventure.

current livestock

Featured Butterfly Species

Species Origin Characteristics
Morpho Helena South America Brilliant blue wings, large size
Papilio Ulysses Australia Vibrant blue color, elegant flight
Caligo Memnon Tropical regions Captivating patterns, owl-like eyes on wings

International Orders and Delivery

When it comes to ordering butterflies internationally, there are a few factors to consider. While the website offers worldwide shipping options, it’s important to be aware of potential risks and challenges that may arise. One of these concerns is the non-arrival of your order. Due to various factors such as customs regulations, unforeseen circumstances, or logistical issues, there is a possibility that your order may not arrive as expected.

Another potential complication is the delay in the delivery of your butterflies. International shipping can sometimes encounter unexpected delays, especially when it involves the transportation of live livestock. It’s essential to keep in mind that these delays can occur for various reasons, including customs clearance procedures, weather conditions, or even logistical challenges.

Additionally, the hatching of your butterflies may also be affected during the international shipping process. While suppliers take utmost care to ensure proper packaging and handling of the butterflies, there is always a risk involved when moving live organisms over long distances. Factors like temperature fluctuations or changes in environmental conditions can impact the hatching process.

To mitigate these risks and ensure a smoother international shipping experience, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations regarding delivery times. Delivery times for international orders may vary depending on the destination and the specific shipping method chosen. It’s recommended to be patient and allow for additional time for the delivery to be completed successfully.

If you have concerns about the status of your international order, it’s advisable to regularly check your order history for updates. This will provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding the progress of your shipment. Checking your order history will help you stay informed about any potential changes or delays that may occur during the delivery process.

International Order Delivery Times by Destination

Country Estimated Delivery Time
United States 6-10 business days
Canada 8-12 business days
United Kingdom 5-8 business days
Australia 10-15 business days
Germany 6-10 business days

Remember, international orders offer the possibility to acquire butterflies from different parts of the world, but it’s important to be mindful of the potential risks involved. By understanding the challenges associated with international shipping, setting realistic expectations, and staying informed about your order’s progress, you can ensure a smooth and successful delivery of your butterflies.


In summary, butterfly purchasing in the UK offers a range of possibilities for various purposes such as releases, gardens, or education. Reputable suppliers provide butterfly celebration sets that are perfect for special occasions, adding a touch of magic and elegance. It is essential to adhere to guidelines when ordering butterflies and rearing them to ensure their well-being and successful transition into the environment. Additionally, staying up to date on species availability and considering international orders with caution are key factors to consider.

Purchasing butterflies can elevate any event, bringing a sense of enchantment and wonder. Whether it’s a wedding, memorial, or educational experience, the presence of butterflies creates a unique and memorable atmosphere. The diverse range of species available in the UK allows for customization and selection according to specific preferences and themes.

However, it is crucial to approach butterfly purchasing responsibly, considering the well-being of these delicate creatures and their natural habitats. By following the proper guidelines and relying on reputable suppliers, individuals can contribute to the conservation of these magnificent creatures while enhancing their own experiences.


Can I purchase live butterflies in the UK?

Yes, you can purchase live butterflies in the UK for various purposes such as releases, gardens, or educational purposes. There are reputable suppliers available to fulfill your ethereal needs.

What are some fascinating facts about butterflies?

Painted Lady butterflies are the most widely distributed butterflies in the world. They are vital pollinators and feed from over 100 different plants. Butterflies taste with their feet, have false legs at the rear of their bodies, and have twelve tiny eyes. They spin silk using tiny spinnerets, adjust to various habitats, and have wings formed by layers of chitin. Their proboscis is almost as long as their entire body. Butterflies have vibrant colors on their wings as a warning sign to predators and breathe through spiracles on their abdomen. They use their antennae to feel, smell, and hear.

Are butterfly releases popular for special occasions?

Yes, butterfly releases are popular for special occasions such as weddings, memorials, birthdays, anniversaries, or corporate events. You can purchase a butterfly release set that includes a specific number of butterflies. The butterflies are delivered in a special butterfly release box, which also contains a feeding flower. Instructions are provided on how to feed and release the butterflies on the day of your event.

How can I purchase a Butterfly Celebration set?

To purchase a Butterfly Celebration set, you can pre-order at least 30 days prior to your event. The set will be delivered to you the day before your event. Once the set arrives, you need to feed the butterflies by making a nectar solution. The feeding flower is included in the set, and you can use a pipette to squirt the nectar onto the sponge. On the day of your event, designate someone to release the butterflies from the box. Place the celebration box outside for the butterflies to acclimatize before releasing them.

What guidelines should I follow when ordering butterflies?

When ordering butterflies, it is important to provide the order number and check species availability. You can track your order history and check species availability on your account. If you need to make changes to your order, you can do so by accessing your shopping cart. It is also recommended to subscribe to WWB NEWS for updates on species availability, special offers, and more.

How can I rear butterflies?

You can acquire the necessary skills for rearing butterflies by purchasing a butterfly book that provides instructions on rearing from small caterpillars or hatching pupae. The book is a valuable resource to learn basic rearing techniques. For rearing butterflies, you can use plastic rearing containers or create a suitable environment for the larvae. It is important to provide fresh foodplant and change it daily.

What species are available and how can I stay updated?

The WWB website offers a wide range of available species and provides updates on species availability. There are featured species that are particularly rare and desirable. The website also offers seeds of rare foodplants for specific butterfly species. It is recommended to regularly visit the website to stay updated on new species and offers.

What should I know about international orders and delivery?

When placing international orders, there is a risk of non-arrival, delay, or hatching of livestock. The website offers worldwide shipping options, but it is important to be aware of the risks involved. Delivery times may vary, and it is recommended to be patient and check the order history for updates on delivery status.

What is the conclusion about purchasing butterflies in the UK?

Purchasing butterflies in the UK is possible for various purposes such as releases, gardens, or education. Reputable suppliers offer butterfly celebration sets for special occasions, and there are guidelines for ordering butterflies and rearing them. It is important to stay updated on species availability and consider international orders with caution. Overall, purchasing butterflies can add a magical touch to any event or educational experience.